tools for project management

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tools for project management

Post by iborco »


Source Repo

I was looking for the source code and could not found one. On Phoronix I've read you are actually moving out from SourceForge probably to GitHub.

Any estimate when the code will be available there?

Project management

You might also want to check Visual Studio Online ( Not sure how interested are you in their offer, but it has some nice features, for free, like dashboards and task and kanban boards (if you contact them and tell them you are a FLOSS project they might offer more than what they usualy offer for free...who knows). Unfortunately, by default, the Visual Studio Online is free only for 5 users, and this might be a stopper if they don't agree to offer more for free.

Github also has their bug-tracking system, though I haven't used it very much.

Another option that I used quite often is a Redmine server (I have checked other project managent and bug tracking systems, but Redmine was the one closest to what I wanted).

Continuous integration

Any plan for this? I haven't used this in my projects, but many projects have this kind of integration and I think it is a must for a "modern" framework. Along with a plethora of unit-tests :)


Something else useful might be the Balsamiq Mockups (I've got a free license as a FLOSS developer) or the Pencil (, a similar mockup tool that is FLOSS.

Not sure I make much sense, but I'm quite excited after reading about this project on Phoronix, today :D


Ioan Calin
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Re: tools for project management

Post by barbara »


We moved the source to Git Hub and it is uploaded now.

We are using Jenkins internally for CI. Just set this up a few months ago and still working out the settings. Lovely project but lots of settings.

We are excited and very pleased with the wonderful response regarding CopperSpice. Please stay in touch and let us know your experiences with CopperSpice.

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Re: tools for project management

Post by troyane »


I think that it will be very helpful for you and other developers to see KitchenSink project on GitHub (or another online repo) service.

Since there is no place to post feedback about KitchenSink, I recommend to add information about its launch, like:

Code: Select all

tar xvjf KitchenSink-1.0-debian-x64.tar.bz2
cd KitchenSink-1.0
chmod +x KitchenSink
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./KitchenSink
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Re: tools for project management

Post by barbara »

Thank you for your information and request.

We have added a KitchenSink discussion. I will copy your information to a new post.
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Re: tools for project management

Post by Maria »

Thanks for the info. I am looking for PM Tool, and I found it here.
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