Minor packaging enhancement request

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Posts: 117
Joined: Sun Oct 25 2015 10:52 am

Minor packaging enhancement request

Post by marlowa »

Hello everyone,

I just downloaded and unpacked the latest copperspice source and noticed that it unpacks directly into the current directory. I was expecting it to unpack into a new directory named after copperspice and containing the version string. So until this aspect of the packaging is changed I will have to remember that copperspice tarballs are this way and put them into a directory suitably named that I create. Can this aspect be changed please?
Posts: 117
Joined: Sun Oct 25 2015 10:52 am

Re: Minor packaging enhancement request

Post by marlowa »

I see this aspect hasn't changed yet in version 1.6.2. I'm hoping it will in the next one.
Posts: 461
Joined: Sat Apr 04 2015 2:32 am

Re: Minor packaging enhancement request

Post by barbara »

unpacked the latest copperspice source and noticed that it unpacks directly into the current directory
Originally the source tar and zip files were in a "copperspice" folder since this is what Autotools did by default. In the processing of removing the Autotools build system and using only CMake, the source tar and zip files is now generated by CMake.

We decideed to leave off a "folder/version number" name since the current CS team could not agree on a definitive naming convention. Conciseness was not reached however we can revisit this later on.

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