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What is the secret of QMainWindow? And other questions.

Posted: Tue Dec 20 2022 8:24 pm
by Navadvipa Chandra d
Source Code (Gui Example 4) from CopperSpice Journal Homepage.

If class MainWindow : public QWidget - all good works.
Is little change code: class MainWindow : public QMainWindow - widgets are not displayed in the window.

I suspect that the invisible remains layoutMain :
QVBoxLayout *layoutMain = new QVBoxLayout(this);
I also tried
QVBoxLayout *layoutMain = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget()); // this not works!

The second question is about Copper Space Designer.
I have generated the wrong code for QToolBar in the ui_PrabhupadaDictionaryWindow file.h:
PrabhupadaDictionaryWindow->addtoolbar(Qt::, tbPrabhupada);
I have to edit the code manually:

The third question:
Here I am in CopperSpice Designer making the window the successor of QMainWindow, then I add QVBoxLayout. I want this QVBoxLayout to automatically expand to the entire available area of the window (like Align = alClient in Delphi or C++Builder), but it just has a fixed size and position and is not tied to the size of the window in any way.

The fourth question:
Is it possible in CopperSpice Designer to install a button with a question mark in the window title. Maybe I don't understand it that way, but it seems to me that such a button is needed to show the whatThis property. How should the user view the whatThis property for different Widgets?

With best regards, Navavdvipa Chandra das.

Re: What is the secret of QMainWindow? And other questions.

Posted: Wed Dec 21 2022 5:35 pm
by Navadvipa Chandra d
I watched several videos and found answers to my three questions. And one question remained, as it was associated with incorrect code generation by the utility uic.exe .

1. When inheriting a window from QMainWindow in the window constructor, we first need to create a centralwidget, and only then create the main Layout based on cetntralWidget. This is what the code generated by CopperSpice Designer and the program looks like uic.exe . If you write with your hands then you still have to go the same way.

Code: Select all

        centralwidget = new QWidget(PrabhupadaDictionaryWindow);
        vlPrabhuadaMain = new QVBoxLayout(centralwidget);
        vlDictionary = new QVBoxLayout();
2. PrabhupadaDictionaryWindow->addtoolbar(Qt::, tbPrabhupada);
Incorrect code generation! The QToolBar::allowedAreas property is not editable in the "Property Editor". It shows an empty line and nothing can be changed! It slows down the work very much!

3. A special button at the top "Lay Out Vertically" helped.

4. You can make a special button yourself with something like this code

Code: Select all

  if ( QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() )
and the problem of showing WhatsThis solved!

Thank you!
With best regards, Navavdvipa Chandra das.