We would strongly advise against changing our CS build files since they are working. In our CI we have tested the steps we did and they work. I am not sure at this time what step is causing you a problem.So probably, I must change the CMakeLists.txt
Let me offer you an alternative for building CopperSpice. You can run CMake and build from the VS command prompt. Then you simply do the following:
Code: Select all
cd c:\csp_build
cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\csp_lib c:\csp_source
ninja install
CopperSpice does not support static linking at this time due to licensing of end user applications. If you looking to release closed source applications using any LGPL library then dynamic linking is your best option. Static linking normally requires providing your users the full source code so they can rebuild if necessary.My final goal (I am not a professional) is to make smaller projects, which have a rather simple GUI (Menu, Editfields, Images etc) and are statically linked. (no DLLs) Is this possible?