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XCB Assert failure again

Posted: Sun Jul 30 2023 3:20 pm
by seasoned_geek
Everything is merged from tip of tip in LS-CS. RedDiamond, and basically anything written with CopperSpice and using the clipboard gets the following assertion.

Code: Select all

ASSERT: "m_timestamp[mode] == XCB_CURRENT_TIME || getSelectionOwner(atomForMode(mode)) == m_owner" in file /home/developer/github_projects/copperspice/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/xcb_support/qxcb_clipboard.cpp, line 466
Aborted (core dumped)
This happens when applications are left up and "idle" while other applications (editors/browsers/etc) are being used.

Did not dig into code, but I would hazard a guess that the clipboard code was written more from a "there can be only one" perspective than reality permits.

I will further a guess that we get here as part of some "timed validation" for a <CTRL>-C copy done in the application using CopperSpice. One of the numerous other applications running as since done multiple <CTRL>-C copies to clipboard and the one CopperSpice wishes to validate simply no longer exists.

This should be taken in stride rather than throwing an Assert.