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A puzzle with the main page when running doxypress on wt-4.3.0

Posted: Fri Mar 27 2020 2:05 pm
by marlowa
Hello everyone,

When I ran doxypress on wt-4.3.0 I was surprised when there was no main page. So I checked The wt Doxyfile and found that it mentions doc/main, a text file that contains the main page. When I tried to add to my doxypress setup it didn't like it. It is as if the input is expected to be just one directory name. I added 'main' to the list of filter patterns but it did not pick it up.

Looking at the doxypressapp where it says "Input source", it says "full filename or directory", which implies to me that you can only give one. But doxypress allows a list. In the wt Doxyfile we see:

INPUT = src/Wt \
doc/main \

How do I do the same with doxypress please?

Re: A puzzle with the main page when running doxypress on wt-4.3.0

Posted: Tue Apr 14 2020 9:35 pm
by barbara
The wt Doxyfile and found that it mentions doc/main, a text file that contains the main page. When I tried to add to my doxypress setup it didn't like it.
Can you let us know what you mean by a "doxypress setup". DoxyPress must have a json configuration file which contains the settings for the project you want to document.

Looking at the doxypressapp where it says "Input source", it says "full filename or directory", which implies to me that you can only give one.
There is an arrow to the right of this field which displays a popup where you can select files or directories. So everywhere you see the arrow button, you can have a list.

How do I do the same with doxypress please?
Can you give us a bit more information. You can use DoxyPressApp to create the json file or simply edit this file by hand. Which one of these are you trying to do?
