CooperSpice tutorial

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CooperSpice tutorial

Post by areriff »

I am new and never tried Qt at all.
Was watching CppCon when stumble upon CopperSpice.
I'm looking/hoping for the tutorial on getting started using CopperSpice anywhere on YouTube but couldn't find any.
I'm hoping you could have a mini series of how to set up CopperSpice in all supported platform.
Documentation has no tutorial-like step setting up the CopperSpice (or I can't find it).
Reading documentation didn't get me anywhere enough to even build a hello world window.
Really hoping it would contain at least things like step 1 > step 2 > step 3 in the docs.
In documentation seems like CopperSpice won't work with Visual Studio (which is the only thing I use to learn programming).
Never use MinGW and MSYS (I'm new).
Note: I was able to build SFML using CMake gui and use it but couldn't with CopperSpice. Seems like there a lot of other dependencies that I missed so it failed to generate.

Was listening to CopperSpice episode on CppCast. Really pique my interested to try, but right now found it not really beginner friendly.
Hoping to see "Getting Started" videos on your channel to make it easier for beginners to try CS.
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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by barbara »

areriff wrote: I'm looking/hoping for the tutorial on getting started using CopperSpice anywhere on YouTube but couldn't find any.
We have our CopperSpice API documentation and the CopperSpice Overview documentation on our website. From this link you can find both of these: ... spice.html
I'm hoping you could have a mini series of how to set up CopperSpice in all supported platform.
Reading documentation didn't get me anywhere enough to even build a hello world window.
In our Overview documentation we have a section on setting up a sample project. I would also suggest you take a look at KitchenSink.

KitchenSink is a standalone program which combines multiple demos in one executable. The purpose of KitchenSink is to demonstrate the capabilities and functionality of the CopperSpice libraries. These demos are basic examples and the code is intentionally simplistic.
In documentation seems like CopperSpice won't work with Visual Studio (which is the only thing I use to learn programming).
Never use MinGW and MSYS (I'm new).
There are issues with MSVC as it does not fully support C++11 or C++14. We have several developers working on this and we are reviewing a few changes to see the best way to support this platform. I understand you may not be familiar with MinGW and MSYS and as a Windows developer myself I can help you as needed. Please have a look at this page in our Overview documentation: ... s-win.html
Hoping to see "Getting Started" videos on your channel to make it easier for beginners to try CS.
Thank you for this great suggestion. We are trying to balance and it does seem appropriate to provide an intro video to CopperSpice and DoxyPress.

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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by areriff »

Thanks. I'm looking forward for the video. With simple editing, it would easily fit 10-15 minutes video.

With KitchenSink available, you really just need Getting Started video make it complete.
I already have KitchenSink installed. From the looks of it, it is great.
Although I really want to try it now, I guess I have to wait for MSVC support.
Last time I tried MinGW, it was a mess.

I hope the upcoming MSVC 15.5 will have enough C++11 and 14 support for CS to support it.

Question: CopperSpice github hasn't been updated in over 2 months. What happened there?
Question: Does posting in here supports URL links? can't seem to find the options anywhere.
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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by barbara »

Although I really want to try it now, I guess I have to wait for MSVC support.
Last time I tried MinGW, it was a mess.
MinGW is used extensively and I personally have seven years of experience with it. We have links on our web site to the exact version used to build CopperSpice so this really will not be a major issue.
I hope the upcoming MSVC 15.5 will have enough C++11 and 14 support for CS to support it.
This is the only version which may work. The problems are related to things like SFINAE, and DLL linkage of STL classes. We are not the only library facing these issues.
Question: CopperSpice github hasn't been updated in over 2 months. What happened there?
There was a project freeze the middle of September as most everyone on the team was at CppCon. There has been some internal work but the merges have not occurred as of yet. You will see a good deal of activity in November.
Question: Does posting in here supports URL links? can't seem to find the options anywhere.
We had to turn off links on the forum as an anti-spam measure.

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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by irfan.aloha »

It is better to understand videos as compare to textual... So can you share some good video links?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by areriff »

Does cooperspice have the latest msvc compiler support? (since 15.5)? I read they have improved SFINAE support a bit.
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Re: CooperSpice tutorial (MSVC Support)

Post by barbara »

areriff wrote:Does cooperspice have the latest msvc compiler support? (since 15.5)? I read they have improved SFINAE support a bit.
We have a few developers looking at this and working towards full MSVC support. They are working with the most recent release however there are still issues related to lack of full C++11 feature support. Another issue they are dealing with is related to DLL support. The current version of the MSVC compiler does not support exporting STL classes from a DLL interface.

One of the solutions we are looking into is using clang as the compiler for VS. This may prove the best option for Windows development when using Visual Studio is a requirement.

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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by areriff »

Great. Can't wait to try CS.
I can't do it yet with current lack of compiler support.
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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by barbara »

areriff wrote:Great. Can't wait to try CS.
I can't do it yet with current lack of compiler support.
CopperSpice can currently be built with both GCC and clang, which are two of the main compilers for C++.

I do most of my work on Windows and have been a Windows developer for many years. I use CopperSpice for several personal applications. I also maintain the CopperSpice builds on Windows. I can understand and appreciate if you prefer to use MSVC and prefer to wait until they support more of C++11 and C++14. If you would like to use CopperSpice today on Windows you can and I am more than happy to help you get started. I would suggest you take a look at our KitchenSink demo program.

I look forward to working with you.

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Re: CooperSpice tutorial

Post by marlowa »

barbara wrote: Fri Jan 05 2018 1:12 am
areriff wrote:Great. Can't wait to try CS.
I can't do it yet with current lack of compiler support.
I do most of my work on Windows and have been a Windows developer for many years. I use CopperSpice for several personal applications. I also maintain the CopperSpice builds on Windows. I can understand and appreciate if you prefer to use MSVC and prefer to wait until they support more of C++11 and C++14.
Have you had a chance to look at the 2019 compiler yet. I am a Unix man (I really hate Windows) but my work involves Windows development every day and I have to admit, VS is getting better and better. Hopefuly VS2019 has got the support that Copperspice needs for reflection etc.
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