The application failed to start because the platform plugin was not found or did not load. Requested Plugin Key: window

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The application failed to start because the platform plugin was not found or did not load. Requested Plugin Key: window

Post by ivn »

Hi Dears
download & install setup-CopperSpice-1.8.0-x64-MSVC-debug.exe
download & unoack
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\CopperSpice\cmake\CopperSpice -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\CopperSpice\KitchenSink-1.8.0-src\_deploy ..
open vs2019 & build
trying to run and this error

and question
setting a breakpoint on "QApplication app"
step into
and it passes
how do I get inside?

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Joined: Sat Apr 04 2015 2:32 am

Re: The application failed to start because the platform plugin was not found or did not load. Requested Plugin Key: win

Post by barbara »

To recap you downloaded the pre-built binary files for CopperSpice and the source code for KitchenSink. It looks like you tried to run CMake to generate the build files. It is unclear if you build KS and then installed.

Please have a look at our sample script in the CS Overview documentation. From this link jump down to "Building KitchenSink From Source".

a) It looks like you are missing the -G "Ninja" on your CMake line.

b) You will notice the last line does an install. This is what creates the "deploy" folder and copies the plugins to the correct locations.

c) In order to fix this you will need to delete your CMakeCache.txt file by hand. (this is an odd issue with cmake)
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Joined: Thu Nov 17 2022 12:38 pm

Re: The application failed to start because the platform plugin was not found or did not load. Requested Plugin Key: win

Post by ivn »

Hi Barbara,

this is runtime error

and question
how to go inside "QApplication app" when debugging

Posts: 464
Joined: Sat Apr 04 2015 2:32 am

Re: The application failed to start because the platform plugin was not found or did not load. Requested Plugin Key: win

Post by barbara »

Yes, what you have described is a run time error. When starting the application a message is being displayed saying the plugin was not found. About 95% of the time the reason is because you did not do the install step.

You can verify this by looking in your "deploy" directory where you are starting KS. You should see the KitchenSink executable file, multiple dll ( or .so files on unix ), and several folders. All of these files are copied during the install step. The folder named platforms will automatically be created and the appropriate gui platform file will be copied.

Please make sure you look at the docs we referenced and run "ninja install". Once this is done the program should start. After that you can experiment with the debugger.

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