Install CopperSpice 1.8 from source in Windows

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Re: Install CopperSpice 1.8 from source in Windows

Post by barbara »

In file C:\PrgCS\KitchenSink\Source\CMakeLists.txt I add set( CopperSpice_DIR "C:/CopperSpice/Release/Lib" ). Since CMake can't find the CopperSpice package! The most important directory for Copper Spice is just the folder - C:/CopperSpice/Release/Lib
You have made a few mistakes in setting up your CMake files for KitchenSink. When building the KitchenSink program CMake needs to know where the CopperSpice files are located. Using the set() command you specified is not the preferred CMake procedure. Instead, you should be using the build script for KS as explained in our CS Overview documentation.

Code: Select all

cmake -G "Ninja" \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=[path_to_copperspice]  \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../deploy  ..
As per our documentation, the CMake PREFIX PATH is the path to the CopperSpice CMake files. This is more reliable than using the set() you tried. The INSTALL PREFIX is the path where KS will be installed.

Navadvipa Chandra d
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Apr 19 2020 7:02 pm

Re: Install CopperSpice 1.8 from source in Windows

Post by Navadvipa Chandra d »

Thank You for reply. I did it.
Thank You!
Hare Krishna!
With best regards, Navadvipa Chandra das.
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