QKeySequence MAC question

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QKeySequence MAC question

Post by seasoned_geek »

I don't own, nor do I want to own a MAC. Having said that, if someone builds my stuff on that platform I would like them to be able to "just build" and not have to hack it. Diamond did stuff I didn't care for, but was probably early in CopperSpice life so had to.

Given these three apple keyboards




Is this statement
On Mac OS X, references to "Ctrl", Qt::CTRL, Qt::Control and Qt::ControlModifier correspond to the Command keys on the Apple keyboard, and references to "Meta", Qt::META, Qt::Meta and Qt::MetaModifier correspond to the Control keys. Developers on Mac OS X can use the same shortcut descriptions across all platforms, and their applications will automatically work as expected on Mac OS X.
found on this page:



I'm asking because:
  • Diamond did a lot of text substitution and it stuffed in Meta - opposite of what the quote says now
  • There is a control key on the newer Apple keyboards but only one control key
  • The option key appears to have "alt" written on it these days. I assume option is "meta"
  • I don't wish to deliberately exclude Apple users, I'm just not going to build for that platform.

So, the condensed question:

Is CopperSpice now handling CTRL and ALT so developers don't have to think about Apple/MAC or do anything for it?
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